Heimat is a Space in Time, 2019
Production Details

Original title

Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit

Country of Production

Germany, Austria

Year of production






Production Filmproduktion in co-production with Navigator Film and ZDF/3sat

Original Language



English, French

Festivals / Awards

Berlinale 2019 (Caligari Film Prize)

Visions du Réel Nyon 2019 (Sesterce d'Or for the best film in the International Feature Film Competition)

Crossing Europe Linz 2019 (CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award - Best Documentary)

Jeonju Intl. Film Festival 2019

Beldocs 2019

SWR Doku Festival (German Documentary Award) 2019

Karlovy Vary 2019...

See more


HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME picks up the biographical pieces of a family torn apart through the end of the 19th and into the 20th century. It is about people who by chance found each other, only then to lose each other. Now it is their descendants, their children and grandchildren who are beginning to disappear.


This is all about speaking and silence. First love and happiness lost. Fathers and mothers, sons and brothers, the affairs, the hurt and the joy in landscapes of transition – each bearing the intertwining, hallmarks of their times. A collage of images, sounds, letters, diaries, notes, voices, fragments of time and space.


HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME is a journey of reflection of time and the love held within using sounds, images and language. Yet some of it shall remain forever lost.The material used in this film is what remains of my family. The remnants of those I knew, whose circumstances I had been part of or had otherwise experienced. Remnants that mirror history. A history that is just as much my own. (Thomas Heise)

Official trailer